Downloads: Markings
Files in category : Markings
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Soviet hand-painted numbers : Hand-painted aircraft numbers in two styles for early war Soviet aircrafts. The digts have been redr ... [more] (614.1 KB)
23rd July 2015 |
162 |
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Large Sovjet markings : Large scale Sovjet stars in Photoshop format for skinning for games with large templates. Each star ... [more] (1.74 MB)
12th January 2015 |
247 |
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Israeli Air Force Insignias : Seem to have been lost in the latest servercrash, so here a re-upload.
Template with the differen ... [more] (3.13 MB)
26th April 2010 |
1,186 |
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Various Kill & Mission markings : Various kill and mission markings from World War 2.
Such markings were not standardised but very in ... [more] (1.79 MB)
22nd April 2010 |
2,213 |
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U.S. Insignia 1940-1945 : This is a .psd template that includes layers for 10 different variants of the U.S. national insignia ... [more] (2.52 MB)
22nd December 2009 |
3,237 |
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Swedish Air Force figures from 1964 + Draken and V : Swedish Air Force figures from 1964.
The package also includes the figures who were applied on th ... [more] (727.5 KB)
20th July 2009 |
1,012 |
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Swedish Air force letters & figures : A collection of Swedish Air force letters and figures. (2.55 MB)
19th July 2009 |
1,238 |
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8th. Air Force Bomber Markings (Part 1) : Tail, wing and fuselage markings for many of the Bomber Squadrons in the USAAF 8th. Air Force.
In t ... [more] (2.30 MB)
17th March 2009 |
1,468 |
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Balken- und Hakenkreuze der Luftwaffe : Luftwaffe "Balkenkreuze" (balk crosses) and "Hakenkreuze" (swastikas)
There is one Illustrator C ... [more] (513.8 KB)
21st December 2008 |
3,347 |
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NJG Markings : Nachtjagd Geschwader markings.
NJG 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 100, 102 and more. Some in several versions. (3.70 MB)
11th September 2008 |
2,177 |
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Swedish national insignia - Adobe Illustrator CS 3 : Here is the swedish national insignia, made in Adobe Illustrator CS 3.
Enjoy - again! (48.2 KB)
13th June 2008 |
866 |
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Swedish national insignia : Here I offer you the swedish national insignia (the swedish air force "Flygvapnet"), which is hard t ... [more] (222.1 KB)
9th June 2008 |
910 |
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World War I colors : This WW1 colors is more a color chart than a real template.
Contains also Lozenge pattern mainly ma ... [more] (1.59 MB)
27th September 2007 |
2,000 |
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Aircraft logo's : Logo's from various aircraft factories and manufacturers of propellers. (1.84 MB)
6th September 2007 |
3,745 |
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Special German Markings : Main markings in this template are the battery, fuel, warning markings.
But it also contains a few ... [more] (950.7 KB)
4th September 2007 |
3,670 |
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