Downloads: Templates for IL-2 Series

Files in category : Templates for IL-2 Series
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Ki-43 Template *Updated* Ki-43 Template *Updated* : Template, include special markings. v1.1 features kill icons shimbu-tai markings (8.70 MB) 13th June 2009 984 0
He-162C Template He-162C Template : Template for the He-162C (back-swept wings). I made about two years ago and never published it, gu ... [more] (10.79 MB) 11th January 2009 720 0
Ar-196A-3_Template_Hynkel Ar-196A-3_Template_Hynkel : Ar-196A-3 Photoshop 7.0 Template from void file. For the IL2/1946 flight simulator by Maddox games. ... [more] (19.28 MB) 8th December 2008 530 0
Bersrk_Bf110.rar Bersrk_Bf110.rar : =KAG=Bersrk has made an incredible template for the Bf110 series with a little help from me. Bersr ... [more] (21.11 MB) 1st November 2008 1,310 1
Alternate internal/cockpit layers for J8A/Gladiato Alternate internal/cockpit layers for J8A/Gladiato : Four alternate layers for the Gladiator. Three historical and one civil with wooden spars and other ... [more] (561.5 KB) 17th September 2008 679 0
Vig_F2A-3 Vig_F2A-3 : My first template using just the void. Hope y'all like it. :) (23.64 MB) 12th September 2008 387 2
Alternate cockpit/internal layers for Gladiator/J8 Alternate cockpit/internal layers for Gladiator/J8 : Three alternate historical internal layers based on J8A and prewar Gladiators. One non historical ... [more] (542.9 KB) 14th August 2008 552 0
Bristol mercury layer for J8A Bristol mercury layer for J8A : Layer for J8A and Gladiator in PSD format. Updates the Bristol Mercury with riveted cowl, new exha ... [more] (347.9 KB) 5th August 2008 719 0
Metal-Surface-Textures Metal-Surface-Textures : Metal surface for detailed textures of representation in the skinning at the IL-2 airplanes. 10 ... [more] (18.09 MB) 13th May 2008 4,536 1
A6M2-N_Template_Hynkel A6M2-N_Template_Hynkel : Compability:I ... [more] (24.12 MB) 13th April 2008 381 0
C-47_Template_Hynkel C-47_Template_Hynkel : Douglas C-47/Li-2/L2D Template made in Adobe Photoshop.PSD (7.0),from the void file withe cargo door ... [more] (23.05 MB) 31st March 2008 898 2
MXY-7-11_Ohka_Template_Hynkel MXY-7-11_Ohka_Template_Hynkel : MXY-7-11_Ohka_Template_Hynkel for IL2FB+PF+46 All vers. MXY-7 Ohka Template made in Adobe Photoshop. ... [more] (16.58 MB) 23rd March 2008 343 0
P47 Template, P47 Template, : A P47 Template made by ME_109_Fan with layers by Jesters-Ink,FBS and Friendly-Flyer. A huge Thanks t ... [more] (21.15 MB) 17th March 2008 1,157 0
I-16 ZIP I-16 ZIP : Two I-16 templates, one in Paintshop and one in Photoshop. Enjoy! (3.50 MB) 2nd February 2008 1,116 1
I-153 Template I-153 Template : Here is my Template I created of the I-153. Nearly everything is new accept some details from the vo ... [more] (2.32 MB) 20th January 2008 875 0
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