Downloads: CDDS Studio

CDDS Studio

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Uploaded by Serval - 16th November 2006
Author Author Eagle Dynamics
File Size File Size 2.55 MB
Downloads Downloads 1,729
The destination of this utility is creating the CDDS texture files for Lock On: Modern Air Combat game.
Installation not needed. Simple unRAR it in any directory.
Rules of use.
1.Run CDDSstudioD.exe
2.Select in menu Edit --> Add files.
3.Select all your *.bmp files for one CDDS.
4.Click on the SAVE icon, enter any name of file and press SAVE.
5.Select in menu Edit --> BUILD CDDS.
6.Enter the desired name and press SAVE.
7.If all is OK, then utility begin process and after complete building CDDS will ask press any key.




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