Downloads: He-162C Template

He-162C Template

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Uploaded by Bearkiller72 - 11th January 2009
Author Author Bearkiller72
File Size File Size 10.79 MB
Downloads Downloads 720
Template for the He-162C (back-swept wings).

I made about two years ago and never published it, guess I hadn't had the guts... Made it from scratch (void). It's a .psd file.

I was wondering why there's no template for this nice little AC around and
so I finally decided to upload it... I haven't changed or updated it since '07,
so some of the colors might not be accurate.

Included are:
-WW2 Luftwaffe schemes for ETO/MTO day/night fighter ops;
-"bare-metal" layer;
-fictional 1970's style Federal German AF camo pattern,
including post-war crosses and NATO-stenciling;
-fun skin in red & yellow with "Bullseye" target markings.

Oh, btw, I had to pack it with WinRar, 'cause the original template has
about 28megs size! Now it's only about 10megs.

Hope you like it,


  • He-162C Template


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