A couple of renders I did last week. It's a Ju 88 C-6 of 8./NJG2. Oblt. Friedrich Tober was shot down in this aircraft on 30 January 1944 by a P-47 during a daylight mission. Although wounded, Tober survived, but his other crew members didn't.
This particular machine, WNr.750811, was equipped with FuG 220 Lichtenstein C-2, although the stub on the nose suggests it probably replaced an earlier Fug 202 installation. Unlike earlier illustrations of this aircraft, I've chosen to depict it without the gondola. On the crash site photos of this aircraft it appears this machine had the gondola removed, which makes sense given the Schräge Musik installation of two MG 151/20 cannon. More Experten had their C-6s modified as such.
Camouflage seems to have been a dense RLM 76 mottle over a base of RLM 70/71/65.