PSP 10 and 11 seem to use the same files? and Corel photo Album should as well, but only time will tell
Yep, thats the only place it will be, and my buddy helped me fix it by going inot command shell some how? all I knwo is it works now, and I noticed that PSP does start up faster with those files removed
but I have PSP 11.20
PSP 10 and 11 seem to use the same files? and Corel photo Album should as well, but only time will tell
Ok Well I did the fix and I have to tell you PSP 10 starts up in like 5-7 seconds, even PSP 11 starts up faster .
even Corel Photo Ambum 6 runs well now.
So teh fix works very well.
open explorer, tools, options, show hidden folders & files ...
I did that Bub, didn't work, it was somehow really hidden, I had to go into teh command shell and reactivate it, but its working fine now