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Thread: Mig Kill

  1. #1

    Mig Kill

    F-15 shoot down of a Mig 21 over the dead sea
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    de Gooische matras

    Re: Mig Kill

    Hehe, quite good!

    Where did you get the aircraft models? Is the background a picture or something from a flightsim? The screenie really shows movement and action, well done!

    I don't know for sure but I think that the stars on the wings are applied a bit wrong. The stars need to have one point, pointing forward. I haven't seen pictures of IAF F-15I with the stars on the wings visible but, al other IAF aircraft has them that way.
  3. #3

    Re: Mig Kill

    I just used the AC straight out of FS2004 didn't really research to see how the really are. Thats the way the are on the AC I downloaded from flightsim. com where I get most of my freewear. I have a few bunch of paywear but find a lot of freewear that have AC pretty close to the payware. this picture was painted before I started to do a lot of research. Now I research alot before I paint because of the critique of some expert on the subject. one of my first post years ago, I had a Bf-109 with athink a four bladed prop. Boy did I take the flak from that one. anyway thanks for the comment.
  4. #4

    Re: Mig Kill

    Four bladed Bf109? Like this?

    They did make them, or rather the Spanish did under license as HA-1112s

    Accuracy and historical detail are interesting points to consider.
    Most aircraft nuts prize those two things above everything else. But, it really depends on what you want out of your art and what kind of audience you want to attract. Personally, I love the research, the planes and their history are what I'm most interested in. But there's nothing wrong with flights of fancy, no pun intended, either Shark mouths on Mig 17s with WW2 Luftwaffe camouflage might be really fun for a change Doing something the way you want is what counts most. You could add 4 bladed props onto a purple 109s and get away with it in my book....oh, they made those too

    Nice screens Billy

  5. #5

    Re: Mig Kill

    Thank for your oppinion. I love to research too. I have really learned a lot from that. My expertise is mainly Navy AC especially the A4 skyhawk of which I went to school on at MCS Cherry Point.worked on them for three years as an aviation metalsmith.

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