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  1. #1

    JG 300 - Two Skinpack


    Here's two skinpack about JG 300.

    The first one is about the creation of the Geschwarder and contains a skin of a training Bf 109E-4. (For low visibility training) Of the school-squadron JG 110 based in Altenburg. (Germany)

    This airplane was most used in the beginning of July 1943 by the pilots of the future JG "Herrmann" (Later named JG 300)

    The skin pack also include a fictionnal skin of the Hajo Herrmann's Fw 190A-6.

    More infos there. (In french)


    The second skin pack is about the Stab./ JG "Herrmann" and the airplanes flown by him and his wingmen, at the time of the first operational operations of the Geschwarder. (24th July to 1st November) The squadron operates against the bomber command night's strikes.

    The Stab was based in Bonn-Hangelar. (As the I./ JG "Herrmann")

    The skinpack includes :

    Four airplanes of Stab./JG "Herrmann"

    - Fw 190A-6 "1 gr?n" flown by Major Hajo Herrmann, Kommodore of JG "Herrmann".

    - Fw 190A-6 "2 gr?n" flown by Hauptmann Helmut Naroska.

    - Fw 190A-6 "3 gr?n" flown by Hauptmann Freidrich-Karl M?ller.

    - Fw 190A-6 newly sent to unit. (With fictionnal

    - Pe 8 (TB-7) as a Lancaster. (Little bonus! )

    - a read-me! (Euuuh )

    Some screens (airplanes in the same order as in the description )

    More info there. (In french)


    Hope you'll like them!

    PS : The Pe8 is a 512 skin! (Not mapped in 1024 )
    Last edited by Martel; 26th August 2005 at 19:52.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    6?10'32.04"S - 106?49'35.89"E

    Re: JG 300 - Two Skinpack

    Excellent skins

    And it's a pleasant surprise to see the Pe-8 skin as a Lancaster. Been looking for it for ages!

    I was going to make one myself after I get back home tomorrow...

    Say, can you make another "Lancaster" without markings m8? I'll really appreciate it
  3. #3

    Re: JG 300 - Two Skinpack


    And sure I can do a "Lanc" without markings!

    Will be done tomorrow!!!
  4. #4

    Re: JG 300 - Two Skinpack

    And here it is!!!
  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    6?10'32.04"S - 106?49'35.89"E

    Re: JG 300 - Two Skinpack

    Merci Beaucoup Much appreciated

    Been trying to build an UQMG mission with Bomber Commands Lancasters in it, so this is a very valuable skin for me

    Thanks again m8

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