15th March 2007, 06:32
Four in Two
Four in Two

August 18, 1940
While on escort duties and leading III/JG 26 in the absence of Adolf Galland, Oblt. Gerhard Schopfel, Staffelkapitan of 9./JG 26, flies high above England. Down below he notices a squadron of British fighters flying in tight formation, climbing towards the bombers. Ordering his Gruppe to remain high above, Schopfel stalks the British fighters alone...positioning himself perfectly for a bounce.
Down below, the pilots of 501 Squadron are unaware they have been sighted. Climbing in the standard tight V formation they are perfect targets for the lone German fighter.
Schopfel puts his Bf-109E-3 'Yellow 1' in a dive. Lining up the rearmost Hurricane, his aim is perfect. Within two minutes four Hurricanes are in flames, two pilots killed and two pilots wounded.
A small tribute to the men that fought and lost their lives that day and a very lovely angle of a gorgeous fighter. 
If anyone would like a larger version just send me your email.
15th March 2007, 10:00
15th March 2007, 12:16
15th March 2007, 18:59
Re: Four in Two
A really nice image.
15th March 2007, 20:42
Re: Four in Two
Very beautiful work! It comes very close to rivalling the best traditional paintings
17th March 2007, 15:02
Re: Four in Two
thats first class work...
17th March 2007, 16:26
Re: Four in Two
Very good looking
22nd April 2007, 16:06
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