I started with 3 px panel lines also but have gone to 2px and now 1 px. For this drawing, you might want to set the opacity to a lower level, to "hide" the panel lines a bit. It doesn't matter as much on a camouflaged a/c but a natural metal one shows the lines more. Nice work aside from that. Look forward to seeing more.
Just another question: above your signature is a white mark (hole) on the fuselage, just below the wingtip. Is that normal? I don't know the Demon, so I'm just wondering.
Supah has a good point. But what you do depends on the look you want. What you have now is a very nice color technical illustration. Maybe the lines could be smaller but this would depend on how you'd like it to look. If you want a more racialistic look, less like a technical drawing and more like a photo, you would definitely want thinner panel lines.
My answer is always go back to the photo reference and see what the real thing looks like-
That is, if you want a realistic look
If you haven't seen this, you'll want to check out these nice photos- F3H Demon Airframe In Detail by Fotios Rouch
thank you for your suggestion gamary & BLOWHARD
I just change pannel lines with 1 px brush, I hope now the aircraft look better, I already Know that website, first to begin this aircraft I search all the info and foto about this plane
I need help about the stencil, if someone can help me thanks
Wow very usefull link bibbolicious ! Maybe I'll do a demon too some day The panellines look much better this way santynus, I'd add more gaussian blur to the dirt layer you have around the lines and lower its opacity though!
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