Just had to post this video, simple terrific sights and sounds!
lovely sight
Very cool! Wish I could have been there! They've got a working WW1 tank down there too
Fantastic videos!I just wish announcers would stop talking sometimes to allow the sounds of the airplanes to be heard when they are flying past. I remember an airshow I was at in Muirkirk, ON, where they had a freshly restored Swordfish on display, and they were going to fire it up and taxi it in front of the crowd, (they hadn't got the flight licensing yet
Anyhow, the announcer is just talking about this and that (he was really annoying alot of people), and rambling on how we should listen for how the engine sounds when all of a sudden this little old lady, who had to be 80 or 90 years old, straightens up in her wheelchair and yells, for most everyone within a few hundred feet to hear, "Why don't you shut up so we can actually hear the engine starting?!" After that, nothing could be heard from the announcer until the Swordfish was shut down at the end of it's taxi![]()
Again, excellent videos!![]()
i agree with u on that turupkiller
man that would be something to see.
those are my best planes in history that i really like,,
i know there people wonder if any real engines
still layin around from those ,,
i seen one when i was little at the henry ford museum in michagan u.s
and even then the covering i notice was a tarp like material ,being from the country in the Appalachian mountains. and i thought it was just a rap around cause the metal was gone but they said it was original.
and love the planes ever since ...but those guys had balls then lol
well thxs for listening to me babble but i liked those videos
and that looked liked the same type of tank that was used in an Indiana jones film the last crusades.....
well thxs all
and thxs for the great showing....