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  1. #1

    Back to historical skin

    Apr?s un petit d?lire sur les Ta152 stratosph?riques, je reviens au c?t? historique de la chose et je vous propose pour commencer, un appareil du Stab. du JG301 portant le n?1 Jaune :

    Et comme vous ?tes des potes, je vous le livre tout chaud, d?moul?, tout juste mis en ligne sur la ZSF ... Elle est pas belle la vie.

    Ca se passe ICI

    Zargos the Boss

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Back to historical skin

    Hi there, one thing I noticed... there is only the bottom half of the fuselage cross visible? I'm no luftwaffe expert so no idea if this is accurate.

  3. #3

    Re: Back to historical skin

    Yep, sometimes the top got overpainted. Just like the D9, some existing A or F fuselages parts were used and painting in a mismatched way. Also, some planes had sub assemblies painted first and then more camouflage was applied after completing. You see all sorts of weird stuff on 152s and D9s


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