Now it even runs worse then before![]()
Microsoft has released Service Pack 1 for Flight Simulator X. You can download it from FSInsider:
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Last edited by adlabs6; 16th May 2007 at 07:24.
What issues are you having?
Did you patch a fresh install or an older install?
I was running it on Vista with a fresh install, but it was very unstable.
FPS kept jumping from 30 to 5 and back to 30 again.
I reinstalled XP again today, did a fresh FSX+SP1 install and now I get a very stable ?30 fps on medium High setting, even without tweaking the FSX config and trees etc.
Now I have to defrag my F drive (where FSX is installed) and do some tweaks...and enjoy the scenery
So it looks like the problem is solved![]()
Good news. I've read that those original tweaks aren't necessary after SP1, which you've noticed.
Especially when you use add-ons, it is best to use the standard suggested C:\... directory for FS.
I'm also no fan of that, but that seems to prevent problems among several other tips.
BTW Erretje, do you think the issue was Vista related? I noticed you switched OSes there.
I think so
the first time I installed it was when FSX came out. I did that on XP the FPS was terrible (10) but stable...then I got Vista and everything went unstable.
FPS was higher but jumping from 30 to 10 to 30 etc all the time, very very heavy stuttering and when I tried to return to the desktop everything went totaly crazy (also with MTWII). It was totally unplayeble...
I got every patch for Vista and FSX so I was up to date.
Now I re-installed XP, because FSX and IL-2 didn't run properly on Vista, and now everything works as it should, no stuttering, no fps jumps (stable 25+), nothing out of the I'm very happy with XP![]()
but by re-installing XP I did something extremely stupid, I lost all my e-mails, and one of them contained the activation code of my FSX B-17, normally I backup all my codes and keys, but I forgot this one
one question though, when you press ALT in FSX you get the menu bar on the top of the screen, but then my FPS drops from 30 to 15 and I can't get it go away just like in FS9![]()
Do you know how to get it away?
Oh, sorry you lost that activation code! Hopefully their tech support will be able to help you out on that.
About the menubar going away, I searched and found the answer. Hold down ALT for a few seconds and it should go away!
Last edited by adlabs6; 24th May 2007 at 18:56.