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Thread: Nose Art

  1. #1

    Nose Art

    I am trying to install nose art. The problem is what size should it be? I'm doing a P40E right now and resizing the nose art to 512 to make it the right size so I think. When I get it in the game however it is too large. So I compare it to the nose art that comes in the game or the ones I've downloaded and using Paint shop pro it tells me that I have 256x512. Is that what I should be resizing to?
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Nose Art

    Assuming you use the FB/PF series....

    Yes the noseart MUST be 256 by 512, were the upper half is for one side and the lower for the other side of the nose.

    In that area size the noseart you want to the size that suits best. But the bitmap itself must allways stay 256x512...

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