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  1. #1

    Info on Kampffliegerschule paint schemes

    Ok lads, need some info (If there is any!) on paint colours and markings of school planes (He-111 and Stuka). if they stuck out in any way or they was RLM70/71/65 with normal callsigns on or if they had own colours/markings like yellow lines or so to inform all others that the guy in controll arent a qualified pilot yet...

    My goal is to do a kadett skin for a upcoming squadron (II/KG53) so we can keep track of new guys a bit more easely (my first thought was to paint a he-111 in yellow/red but decided to try go for historical correctnes)

    Any sources out there or anyone who knows?

    wery much apreciate the help

    Cheers KT
    Last edited by Kingtiger; 4th June 2007 at 19:24.
  2. #2

    Re: Info on Kampffliegerschule paint schemes

    From what I've read there isn't too much at all for schule planes, at least not advanced or front line planes like what you're doing. Just standard paint. Blind flying (instrument flying) training planes had 2 broad RML 04 bands on the fuselage sides, usually within and under the call letters, forward and aft of the crosses but positions varied.

    Some trainers had the undersides of their cowlings painted yellow and sometimes yellow rudders, but not as common practice. Also some had large white numbers on the tail. Mostly front line training was done in standard painted planes. In fact, I think all trainers were painted in the standard finish and markings for the plane in question.
    Maybe you would be better off making something up since there aren't any standard schule markings? After all, it's your schule, not the Luftwaffe's What would make them easy to ID in flight but not make them stand out too much?
    Last edited by BLOWHARD; 4th June 2007 at 22:30.

  3. #3

    Re: Info on Kampffliegerschule paint schemes

    thanks for the reply, and I guess you are right... well 2 yellow stripes on wings and tails wont stand out to much, meanwhile we can ID the guy preaty easy. Guess I will go with that, and no Unit markings as he wont be a part of the unit before passing the tests.

  4. #4

    Re: Info on Kampffliegerschule paint schemes

    That sounds right, have your own marking protocol for you unit and make them earn their unit badges!


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