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Thread: Is there...

  1. #1

    Is there...

    is there a way i can place the paint down with out going over the machinery? such as the nav'lights landing lights etc? im tyring to fiddel witht the layers to make it work but i can just seem to do it. is their a way?
    'The Demon Lord Of The Round Table'
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Is there...

    I place paint layers as bottom most layers.
    Above that panellines etc. Then dust and dirt. And machinery as the top layer.
  3. #3

    Re: Is there...

    Yep i still do that and it doesnt work! is there a way i can remove the machinery? basicaly im trying to put the lines etc over the TOP of the paint, can i do this?
    'The Demon Lord Of The Round Table'
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Is there...

    If the machinery is on a separate layer above all others, and your new lines are below that layer, then there is no way for the machinery to be overpainted.

    My guess is that some of the machinery parts aren't on a separate layer. Take a look at each layer, and see if there are any machinery parts on lower layers (you can test this by toggling each layer on and off while seeing if the parts in question appear/disappear.

    From there, if those parts aren't on a separate layer, you can try to select them all with a selection lasso, and manually move then to a new layer.

  5. #5

    Re: Is there...

    ok thank you ill give it a go!
    'The Demon Lord Of The Round Table'

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