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Thread: Using Bright

  1. #11

    Re: Using Bright

    With those dll my Photoshop 7.0 doesn't even start!
    Lukily I saved the old ones (which incidendally are newer) and I could revert to the pristine state.
    Also a friend of mine sent me his bright exporter plug in, which works fine with his Photoshop CS2, but without success
    I think I'll try the disinstall/install procedure .. I'll let you know.
  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Using Bright

    Well I'm using photoshop 7 too...on winXP, so if it works for me...

    Having said that, I've had some odd behavior from ps before and a reinstall fixed it.

    As a side note. I find it hard to see any difference in quality between exporting through the bright plugin or just doing it via ps by going indexed etc etc. Though as you already said, it safeguards you from collaping your template then saving it that way, as I'm sure we have all done before
  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Using Bright

    Quote Originally Posted by 269GA~Gielle
    With those dll my Photoshop 7.0 doesn't even start!
    Lukily I saved the old ones (which incidendally are newer) and I could revert to the pristine state.
    Also a friend of mine sent me his bright exporter plug in, which works fine with his Photoshop CS2, but without success
    I think I'll try the disinstall/install procedure .. I'll let you know.
    You probably have overwritten the plugin.dll of PS 7.
    This DLL is only meant for PSP users who want to use PS plug ins.

    A bit late, but let this be a warning: NEVER overwrite existing files, unless you have made a backup copy. I'll have to get my laptop for that, but I'll upload the original PS7 Plugin.dll here later today. Hoping that will safe you a reinstall.
  4. #14

    Re: Using Bright

    Quote Originally Posted by Willy
    Well I'm using photoshop 7 too...on winXP, so if it works for me...

    Having said that, I've had some odd behavior from ps before and a reinstall fixed it.

    As a side note. I find it hard to see any difference in quality between exporting through the bright plugin or just doing it via ps by going indexed etc etc. Though as you already said, it safeguards you from collaping your template then saving it that way, as I'm sure we have all done before
    Neither a new install procedure fixed it!
    Ok, I don't know why, but it seems that bright exporter plug in isn't good for me
    I'll stick to the image -> indexed ... procedure, paying GREAT attention not to save the template with merged layers (as I've already done ).

    To Serval:
    you are right, I overwrote the plugin.dll file of PS7, but I'd made a backup before

    Anyway, thanks to everybody who tried to help.
  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Using Bright

    Quote Originally Posted by Serval
    This DLL is only meant for PSP users who want to use PS plug ins.
    Well this was lost on me then, sorry about that. In this case, the zip file at our downloads page contains a readme that indicates it can be used for PS or PSP, in which case we should modify that readme at once to clarify.

    To Gielle, sorry not to be able to find a solution. Very odd that Foobars plugin, nor the one your friend sent will not work, even after reinstall.

    Something you might try instead of merging, is the "Save for Web" feature. I am not sure if PS7 has a "Save for Web" module like my Elements2 does, but it will do conversion to 8bit color straight from the PSD. You also might get Just output to indexed GIF format, and then resave that file as a BMP, and the 8bit option will be automatically selected on save.

  6. #16

    Re: Using Bright

    The trick "save for the web" works. It needs two steps (psd -> gif -> bmp), but at least you don't need to merge the layers in the psd file.
  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Using Bright

    Yes, the tip through GIF is also a good one.
    If you want to try something else: save your work as 24 bit TGA and then convert it with Bright (in combination with the Windows intherface Brighter that is also available on this site).

    Then pick what works best for you.
  8. #18

    Re: Using Bright


    I'm new at this so I'm not sure how to do everything yet, but here's what I do and have had no problems and no merge layer "incidents".

    It may be a few more steps than are needed but it works every time.

    Click save as .bmp with windows and 24 bit checked.

    Then manually drop the bmp int the bright folder, hit the bat and Bobs your uncle. Ready to drop into the game folder.

    The advantage here is that if you "save as" you're not messing with the psd.

    Hope this helps


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