Scanned the FS595 numbers quickly, and it appears to be the same as the list here on our site.
A really good site.
Especially this page Regia Aeronautica and ANR Colors and Camouflage Schemes
Scanned the FS595 numbers quickly, and it appears to be the same as the list here on our site.
Yes Serval, but what I find very interesting and useful are if you scroll 2/3 down, down to "SCHEMA A - BANDE TRASVERSALI VERDE-MARRONE-GIALLO (3 Tone Transversal Banded Schemes)". There are some very good examples of the paint pattern used on the different plane types.
True, the schemes are great.
Just wanted to point out that the lists are the same, to save people the time to find the FS595 number here or elsewhere for a translation to HEX values.