Re: Tupolev SB-2 M-103
Looks good, a bit clean compared with the muddied wheel maybe
Re: Tupolev SB-2 M-103
yours SB-2 look great
Re: Tupolev SB-2 M-103
Hi Gamary,
I do understand that you are working from the perspective of 'best information at hand', and rightly so (what else can one do?). However, may I recommend a stop over to this link for an examination of Soviet aviation colours and paints of this period:
Modeling the VVS: Digital Color Chips
The machine is question would likely have been finished with "AII" type lacquers.
As well, allow me to clarify that there is no Soviet aircraft of the name "SB-2". This is simply a mistake of reporting in Western literature. The aircraft's correct designation is SB 2M-103. That means the aircraft "SB" (the meaning of this acronym translates as 'fast bomber'), with two M-103 engines. Likewise, the earlier M-100 powered SB would be called "SB 2M-100". Thus, one should refer to the machine in generic terms as the SB; that would be correct.
Re: Tupolev SB-2 M-103
Thanks for you feedback gentlemen.
@Serval: guess you're right. I had a nice close-up shot of a SB 2M-100 from the Monino air museum (I hope this is the right designation
) with the muddied wheel and a clean fuselage so I decided I'd try doing the same thing. The weathering still needs improvement anyway. I've done some panel 'bumping" and a few paint chips here and there but I don't have good reference to see how SBs aged and weathered.
@x4btr: thanks for your help. I had no idea what type of green I should be using, so I'll correct that. Thanks for your help, I greatly appreciate it. It's ever very easy to work on a subject one doesn't know very well...
@Supah: I remember it from IL2FB too. Shot my Bf 109 to pieces as well
(I know: I should be ashamed). Why do gunners in IL2FB have such accuracy? They hit you when you're presenting as small a target as possible (head-on) at ranges like 600-700 m! Jinking helps a bit but I've always thought that was a problem with the sim.
Re: Tupolev SB-2 M-103
Hey Gamary, nice clean profile, and by clean I mean nice and sharp.
There are a few things you could do concerning the definition of shapes and separation of parts.
Your shadow areas tend to flatten your shapes a bit, especially under the wing. You need to remember that, except for weird lighting conditions, shadows are stronger and sharper closer to the object that is casting them.
Also, with the shadow ares under the wing, the nacelle tends to almost disappear. Here is a quick quick quick example I made-

I didn't address the sharp to fuzzy shadow here. One other thing I did was to pull the wing tip out more. To show an object is protruding, getting closer to the viewer, you can darken it. Also color can be used to do this, richer color to show closer object.
On the wheel, the gear strut almost blends in with the wheel. Another example-

I also rounded the shadow some where it cuts across the tire.
These are pretty simple corrections, but you can get as complicated or stay simple with how much you do.
Just remember to define the shapes. We all start with flat drawings, the next step is to pull the shapes off the page.
What you've got is very nice work, just a little more definition and it will be 100%
Re: Tupolev SB-2 M-103
Very nice detailed work gamary!
22nd July 2007, 18:37
Re: Tupolev SB-2 M-103
I've wondered about some of the Russian colors myself, I haven't seen any color field photos of these colors, but it would be interesting to see.
As a side note, I have seen Russian colors in museum displays which appear rather bright.
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