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  1. #1

    "Shark Mouth" Typhoon 245 Sqd.

    "Shark Mouth" Typhoon 245 Sqd.

    This Paint Scheme is based on a Typhoon scheme from 245 squadron, the exact serial No. of the plane is unknown so I have left this blank so it can be added manually if anyone ever finds out what it was.

    I have included a Marked, Roundels only and an unmarked version in this pack.

    Thanks for the excellent Template by Jesters-Ink.

    History of 245 Squadron included.

    Available here: Flying-Legends

    Also uploaded to M4T and Combat Ace sites but not yet approved.

    'Perfect paranoia is perfect awareness'
  2. #2

    Re: "Shark Mouth" Typhoon 245 Sqd.

    WOW! I've never seen that one, do you have any photos? I'd LOVE to see photos of it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: "Shark Mouth" Typhoon 245 Sqd.

    I love big mouth Typhoons. I faguely remember I had a kit model of it/like it.
  4. #4

    Re: "Shark Mouth" Typhoon 245 Sqd.

    Thanks guys,

    I have only seen one photo of this and the rest I got from a profile image.

    Heres the photo:

    'Perfect paranoia is perfect awareness'

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