you mean this?
I am looking for a picture of the noseart being a jumping boar...He had his own kind and not the one Krause had which inspired the yellow Wilde sau emblem
Any appreciated
you mean this?
no..but still thanx managed..sorry for beeing l8
By now I have accumulated and reproduced most if not all JG emblems. This one however still continues to vex me. Here's what I have, but it certainly doesn't agree with the above photo posted by Jester. Anybody got anything better?
look hear; Jagdgeschwader der "Wilden Sau" | JG 300 | Jagdgeschwader 300 (ISSN 1864-5682)
Most unimpressive revolver. The site is next to impossible to navigate, so our question remains unanswered. In the meantime I found another image, but I beleive this to be either from a unit pennant or an emblem in the officers' mess and not as used on the aircraft. Soooo, we're all still looking.
You search of this...?
(From Book; Markierungen u. Tarnanstrichen d. Luftwaffe in 2.Weltkrieg. Band I.-II.)
Revolver, please try to pay attention. Look at the last several posts and then ask yourself if that even remotely looks like it. I thank you for trying, but we're looking for III/JG 300 and that's not it.
III. group and with Fw190? Hehe this is what the new.III group had the Me109, however, no Fw190!
For Me109 I have shown you their coat of arms, however, these were the same coat of arms motives that is this in no case that with some pilots or, machines even family coats of arms were on it. A good example of it is the machine from in accordance with Ltn. Gustav Salffner, Uffz. Ernst Schr?der, Uffz. Otto Leissner, Fw. Wolfgang Hundsdorfer and many other pilots JG300 the Fw190 or Me109 flew. Best of all you ask the BOBO even him it knows much better.Provided you want to know the truth.I hope you understand me.
Last edited by Revolver; 19th February 2009 at 14:01.