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Thread: Howdy all

  1. #1

    Howdy all

    Decided to get serious and learn as much as i can about skinning instead of playing around with Gimp.
    I still can't seem to find the color palette in Gimp ??

    So here i am, interested in skinning for Thirdwire series, IL-2 and perhaps FS9.

    Like most others i don't have a clue what i'm doing. My experiences so far are cut and pasting decals on aircraft templates as well as brushing them to the color i want. This usually ends with a solid aircraft and no panel/rivet lines.

    Anyway....Hi all glad to be here and a shout out to Adlabs6. What's up bud.
    Last edited by Stormtrooper; 4th October 2007 at 21:42.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Howdy all

    Hey Stormtrooper! Things are great, welcome to SPS!

    Starting with GIMP isn't a bad choice. The color palette is easy to find, just double click the foreground or background colors in the main GIMP tool dialog, and you'll get a new window with a color palette. You can pick a variety of palette types on that dialog, just play with the radio buttons and tabs and see what all you can do.

    I don't know anything about the Third Wire products, so I can't comment there. I would say that IL2 is a great place to start though, with straight forward techniques, easy .BMP file formatting, and ample starting materials.

    Start by getting a feel of the work process, just drop by the tutorials section we've got here, and read some beginners guides like this or this. Then grab a layered template for a plane you'd like to skin in IL2 (we've got a handful in our downloads section), and start to play with things.

    Finally, if you get stuck somewhere, it happens. Just post a question and we'll do our best to get you going.

    Good luck... it can be an addictive hobby!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Howdy all

    Welcome, and give Adlabs some nasty questions about GIMP...

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