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  1. #1

    How to make white letters on a black back...


    I like to make words in white letters on a black backgroud for my control panel.
    I made them first with paint ( easy and quick) but the result was
    Now I want them to make with photoshop and looking for someone who can help me out.
    As I am a beginner with PhS ( know a little) can you give it in steps please?

    Thanks in advance
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: How to make white letters on a black back...

    First make sure you understand layers:

    Have black as the active color and fill your layer with black using the bucket tool.
    Next select white as the active color and use the Type tool. Select the font you need and click where you want the text to appear. Now start typing.
    When done you can select the Move tool (right top of the tool window) and drag the text to the place you want it when you feel it is not in the right place.
  3. #3

    Re: How to make white letters on a black back...

    Thanks Serval,

    I succeeded right away.
    I couldn,t find the bucket tool but did it with something else , I think colouring the layer.
    One other question; When I print it on my Canon pr. it always appear in the middle of the A4? can,t find the way to print it on the upper side so I can save some printing paper ( Dutch he he).
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: How to make white letters on a black back...

    One trick you can do is make a design area as big as A4 (or better printable area of your printer) and then place your design(s) at the place you want it to be.
    Right now I wouldn't know another way to do this.

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