Hint: place the direct link that is on the page in the gallery between IMG tags (click insert image) and it's displayed here. Maybe best to use the small version, so it's not resized (ugly) by the script in the forum.
She's a beaut, isn't she?
I would really like to submit a profile or two for the Showcase 2007, however a somewhat acute problem has surfaced - the complete lack of stenciling on my two profiles thus far. Does anyone have a source for what goes where, and what data it would contain if it's unique to the individual a/c (e.g., the data block located on the portside fuselage just aft of the wing join)?
Last edited by Goodwood; 26th October 2007 at 05:43.
Hint: place the direct link that is on the page in the gallery between IMG tags (click insert image) and it's displayed here. Maybe best to use the small version, so it's not resized (ugly) by the script in the forum.
Try this link Sean, its a P51D but it will give the correct placement and wordings for all warnings etc Welcome to Hobbydecal
(P51 on page 3) They are downloadable so you can enlarge and get a better view
Thanks Serval, Kristorf. Glad you like the profile...![]()
Great profile, Sean! I love the overall feel of the drawing and the weathering is well done. The only glitch I can think of is the canvas effect on the rudder, which doesn't look as good as the rest. I know that those effects are a b***h to represent, though.
I was going to propose the Hobbydecals references too, but kristorf beat me to it.![]()
A bit lighter on the ribbing, then, eh? Or not so much dodge tool?
Anyway I had a look at the Hobbydecals reference and, unfortunately, it hasn't been that much help. The data block is incomprehensible, as is several other bits.However, I'm getting a brainwave...thank the Force for Remove White... :evil grin:
Last edited by Goodwood; 28th October 2007 at 00:22.
I don't really know what to answer, as I don't have the perfect solution to it myself. I do think, however, that there is a sort of "tradition" whereby most profile artists prefer overdoing canvas effect. When one looks at pictures, the effect doesn't show that much and I think it's better to do it lightly or even just to suggest it with very light shading than to overdo it.
As for the stenciling bit, I've looked in the Squadron-Signal Walkaround for the P-51D but couldn't really make it out. Then I thought I should check on Mark Styling's website for the stenciling. Although not everything can be seen, here is what you should have (partially hidden by the wing):
AAF. SPEC. PROJ. NO. 92948-R
U.S.ARMY P-51D-20-NA
SERIAL NO. 44-12345
I'm not so sure about those last two lines. Anyway, at the scale used on Showcase 2007 you can get away with stenciling that says things like "Kilroy was here" or "10 bucks you can't read this" and nobody will notice:
I'll post back if I can find some pictures.
Interesting bit of kit, that. Thanks Gamary.
Anyway, that brainwave I had seemed to work, though I'll have a go at that data placard just for kicks and giggles. By the way, at my resolution I was able to draw the little rollers for the Malcolm hood that many England-based P-51B/Cs were fitted with...![]()
Last edited by Goodwood; 28th October 2007 at 12:30.
I just went through my 900-some P-51 photo collection, only to find... nothing. Most of my shots are too distant, and a lot are of foreign Mustangs, which have no original US stencils. The Squadron-Signal P-51 in Action didn't give results either. Sorry.![]()
Don't worry about it m8, you've done more then enough for me. The situation seems to be sorted, in no small part due to your efforts. Thank you again.