That is a nice EF-2000. By googling around I have found that it can use 1000 and 2000 liter drop tanks, I am not sure weather there are more options..
Currently WIP, taking notes learnt from my Trojan.
i'm hoping to give it a loadout the Austrians may use but am wondering what drop tanks they use? and ordnance (that'll get done once my mrs stopps nagging me about some thing that needs doing something with)
That is a nice EF-2000. By googling around I have found that it can use 1000 and 2000 liter drop tanks, I am not sure weather there are more options..
as i said still WIP, still loads to do, cockpit details, finalizing glow strips, detailing the jetpipes, possible extended refuelling probe plus a load more panel lines.
Updated Screeny, with a WIP Tank.
Last edited by AGNT_Matt; 31st October 2007 at 13:09.
OK she's Done! well unless i can think of anything else!
Let Me Know Wha you all think.
**BLOODY JETPIPES! knew i forgot something Grrr! *smacks head off table*
***And the damned engine panel lines! *asks himself why if i have a brain is it constantly in hibernation*
Last edited by AGNT_Matt; 31st October 2007 at 20:38.