Yeah, let's start, I can try the Me 210/410. Please create a Stencils topic in Wiki and I will post.
You're probably right: better play it on the safe side and just ask permission or revert to drawing when it's refused (or when we can't contact the author).
What shall we start with?A Me 410?
Yeah, let's start, I can try the Me 210/410. Please create a Stencils topic in Wiki and I will post.
This is the place to enter articles with Stencil information:
This topic is meant to request stencil information:
You can also reach it from the Discussion button in the Aircraft markings category.
Registered members are all able to edit existing articles. Adding a new Article can be done by Searching in the Wiki section first, when nothing is found you will have the option to add the article.
Make sure you add [[Category: Aircraft markings]] so that your article will appear in the Aicraft markings category.
You can upload files to the Wiki section through the Upload File link in the Wiki toolbox (bottom of the lefthand bar)
Then include the image into your page with code like this:
[[Image:Alpha example.jpg|frame|In this image, the circle represents where the alpha channel transparency is located.]]
Which gives the result you see here:
Looking in Edit mode to existing articles can be a good way to find out how some things are done. Using the back button of your browser let's you leave that mode again without making changes at all.
For more details on formatting read the varius manuals linked from this page:
Last edited by Serval; 6th November 2007 at 12:42.
Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that I'm available to answer questions on the wiki itself. I'll be putting together some basic editing guide information soon. But if you have any question, just ask. I'll be pleased to assist with the technical issues so that you guys can focus on the project.
EDIT: Oh I should also mention. If the wiki page might become 'messy' or not really well formatted during construction, there is no worry. During the information collection phase this might happen. But after the information is sorted, then we can look at clean formatting to finish off each page.
Last edited by adlabs6; 6th November 2007 at 18:44.