photoshop and plenty of time and lots of reference...thats it basically! trial & error!
After admiring all the incredible work here and trying a little profile painting myself, I was wondering if there were any special tools anyone used to make painting easier. Other than a software package like "photoshop", can anyone recommend anything else to the forum that "they couldn't do without" when they work on their projects?
photoshop and plenty of time and lots of reference...thats it basically! trial & error!
Immortal Thread Killer par excellence!
Hey Sparty, don't you use a piece of Bamboo, or a Graphire?
I've found the single most important tool I have isn't really a tool but years of studying aircraft photos and real planes at museums and airshows; and years of studying other artist's profiles. I guess it's "the more you have stored away in your head, the better!"
Aside from that, gather as much material as you can on your subject aircraft, the more you know about it's contours and details, the better your profile will be![]()
I use Serif Draw Plus, It's a free version you just register and they send you the activation key via e-mail.
I use it to trace over line drawings to get a cleaner and sharper outline. it's a little like photoshop with the layers and took me a while to get used to using it at first, But it's free and I can't complain
Serif draw Plus
Okay, Sounds like some good advise. Anyone use a wacom pen tablet?
I think a lot of us do. It sure helps. Especially when you do free hand things, like scratches and weathering. Drawing lines and paths and fill areas can easily be done with the mouse.
The Graphire is no more, the replacement is the Bamboo.
[Edit] I see the Bamboo Fun is best for graphics things. Overhere it comes with Photoshop Elements
Last edited by Serval; 5th November 2007 at 21:01.
One thing I could really do without when drawing profiles is this:
Try using your Graphire/Bamboo/mouse/anything with a miniature feline that thinks chewing and clawing any movable part in the surrounding area is a necessary and vital undertaking. Even before I was through typing this message, it's jumped on and off my lap about 12 times. It must be taking drugs. It just can't have that much energy with natural food, can it???
Apart from that, I'd agree to say that lots of reference and experience is very important, more than what you use.
BTW, I stopped using my graphics tablet because it was lousy, but I bought it for a few euros only, and it's very low quality. Has anybody made the transition from very bad to good graphics tablet and thought it was worth it? I'm asking because I don't want to invest in a Wacom if I'm not going to use it.