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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Serval's Skin Manager

    I have installed IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 in four (4) seperate files on my hard drive to eliminate problems with Vista (which my computer has) and to eliminate overlapping missions, commands, etc. from the various expansion packs and campaigns that I have loaded. I seperate them by software company or if downloaded from IL-2 sites. This keeps everything seperated and if there is a problem in one file site, I can fix it without messing with the whole IL-2 program and making it worse. It also helps isolate problems if they occur. So I have four seperate IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 games on my hard drive, each modified differently by some add-ons. This also allows maximum variations in the game.
    That being said you will know what the situation is when I pose the question: "how do I know which game folder Serval's Skin manager load the skin into when I make a selection?" The Skin Manager finds the IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 software on my computer and reads it in the Game Versions Found window, but it does not break down the seperate file folders I have. Each has a different name such as AAA IL-2 Sturm 1946, BBB IL-2 Sturm 1946, CCC IL-2 Sturm 1946 and Beta IL-2 Sturm 1946.
    The Skin Manager will apparently not allow me to select the seperate game folder I want or I can't figure out how to do that. The Skin Manager is in German but even translation doesn't seem to clear up the issue for me.
    Also, I have only been able to get the Manual Function to work (or it seemed to), but I have not found the skin yet in my four files. How does the automatic installation process commence and work? I am unable to make it do anything.
    Are the skins saved in each game when loaded for the future use? Or do I have to reload them into the game when I start to play?
    I know once these little issues are resolved, I will have a set up I am very happy with. Thank you in advance for your repliles.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Serval's Skin Manager

    First: Skin manager can detect Forgotten Battles, Pacific Fighters and 1946 as seperate installation. all at one time at the same computer.
    Now, it can only detect one installation of 1946. You cannot fake it by making it believe that the other BBB 1946 is Forgotten Battles. That will give issues.

    Now it detects the path of the 1946 version as it is officially installed throough the installation program. Not the copies you made.
    You can select another installation manually. To do this go to the Tools menu and then Configuration. On the last page of this window select the path of the installation you like for "1946 path".

    Making this path empty again should make Skinmanager read the path from the official IL-2: 1946 installation information again.
    Your skins might be lost in a directory you used for the initial installation?

    Automatic skin installation only works if the skinner suppotrs it. That would be my packages and some very old packages made by CanonUK and Hammerd. Unfortunately little skinners make effort to use the tool and make their fans happy

    I hope this answer solves your issues.

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