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  1. #1

    My first skin...god my retina's hurt!

    Here we go

    Based on this :
    Bobby Gibbes Australian WWII Flying Ace

    Feel free to comment, Thanks to everyone for their help, Apologies to Jester for not using his panel lines & rivets but the way i had things et was doing my head in Liked what you did with tail...took me ages to figure out.

    Sorry if these seem dark, was using fraps for the first time, let me know if i can improve them.

    Name:  il2fb 2007-11-22 21-35-09-29.jpg
Views: 571
Size:  56.5 KB

    Name:  il2fb 2007-11-22 21-35-15-70.jpg
Views: 571
Size:  50.2 KB

    Name:  il2fb 2007-11-22 21-35-33-00.jpg
Views: 572
Size:  41.2 KB
    Last edited by Barrakooda; 23rd November 2007 at 03:12. Reason: add link
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: My first skin...god my retina's hurt!

    The shark mouth works out just fine I think.
    Very nice result in all.
    If you think the screenshots are too dark. Try the ingame screenshots (saved as TGA you can convert them to JPG with your graphics program) or just brighten them up manually after you made them.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: My first skin...god my retina's hurt!

    Yep, I agree fine job.

  4. #4

    Re: My first skin...god my retina's hurt!

    Thats a damn fine job for your first go m8, good one.
  5. #5

    Re: My first skin...god my retina's hurt!

    Thanks all appreciate it

    Here is a better shot, anyone know how to prevent the camo showing through the jaw ?, for the jaw i lowered opacity to get it to blend with other markings.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: My first skin...god my retina's hurt!

    One way to make the mouth solid, would be to create a new layer beneath the mouth parts containing a dark tone, like black or dark grey. This colored area would need to be the exact shape of the mouth, so that it would only cover the camo in that exact area.

    Creating the exact same shape is easy. I will often just make a duplicate of the layer, in this case the mouth marking. Place this layer directly below the original. Now, for the newly copied layer, set the 'preserve opacity' to ON. Then just brush over the mouth on the new layer with the airbrush in a dark tone. The paint should perfectly flow into the needed shape. Be sure that this new layer is 100% opaque, to hide the layers beneath it.

    With this layer between your mouth marking and the camo, you should get a better solid effect. I hope that's clearly explained, it's easier to 'do' that 'type'.

  7. #7

    Re: My first skin...god my retina's hurt!

    Sweet cheers adlabs will give it a go.
  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: My first skin...god my retina's hurt!

    Hi there

    There is another way to blend the jaw with other marking
    You can adjust luminosity / contrast of the jaw layer and that does not affect the opacity of the layer, so the camo won't show through

    This tip was given to me by Rudi Jaeger on M4T and I found it very useful

    Hope this will help

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