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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Rønna, Bårrijnhålm

    Question A matter of colour codes [Part 2]

    Yup here again with more colour questions .

    The colours used on US bomber letters on the fuselage and the colours used on the tail, the red, green, blue and etc... Does anyone have an idea of the correct colour codes?

    Here a quote I found on another forum about fuselage lettering.

    Andrew the colour specified for the 4 original B-17 groups (1942) was light grey, it was British paint similar to RAF " Ocean Grey" with a bluish tinge; however for some reason the 91st opted for yellow which they continued to use.
    The new groups arriving in spring 1943 generally had the grey but there were variations, the 401BG usually had yellow (as on the Duxford B-17) and the 412BS used a darkish sky blue ; later in the year some squadrons changed to white for better visibility (though that negated the camouflage).
    Though the actual codes were designated (by the British Air Ministry) the colour seems to have been left to the units. The tail letters could be yellow, grey or white. Some squadrons never used their codes or were not allocated any. Nick
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: A matter of colour codes [Part 2]

    Hard to tell.
    My best guess is Insignia white (in use since 1942) and Orange Yellow (look at pics of the Duxford B-17) from the ANA color range.
    No idea about the grey though

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