Right here in our downloads library.
Hello, just wondering where or how I can get Mac's remove white.
Right here in our downloads library.
Thank You!
You know, I was curious about this, but why are you guys using a plugin to remove a color from the void.bmp? Select/Color Range does the exact same thing in PS unless it is a plugin for a different program.
-Best Intentions
It does not exactly what color range does.
It actually removes the white color and beside that 20% gray becomes 80% transparent and 80% gray becomes 20% transparent and so on.
You cannot do that with Color Range. And the problem with a lot of voids for IL-2 is that they are not pure black and white but often have some gray areas.
The effect of Remove white is exactly the same as setting a layer to the Multiply option.
Why this was not used: Older versions of Paintshop Pro could not handle that and thus you could not exchange your templates with PSP users.
Good tip anyway, since it makes other things possible.![]()
Last edited by Serval; 18th April 2008 at 16:42.
Ah understandable...makes it possible with a bit of editing to get the disired effect, but all the same and yeah PS has come quite a way to get some great things done on its own. I take the super easy route though, am using most of the templates for the work cause of the extra time taken to make them look better...why do it yourself when it is already done...granted the ones that aren't done you need to do this way, but not quite there yetAlmost all of those templates are very well made good attention to detail.