Not really "my" cup of tea as far as subject matter, but as for drawing and quality, I think they are top notch. Very well done.
Hi Guys,
I've just discovered simmerspaintshop and I think I may have died and gone to heaven!
I have been dabbling in this stuff for a few years, to the extent where I have picked up a bit of paid work and I've started my own site to try and generate some business. Nothing yet, but it is early days. I focus on mainly Australian stuff and my favourite subject is helos.
I am absolutely blown away by the quality of the work I see here and I would dearly like to come and play.
What do you think?
Here's a sample of my latest piece for a local modeling mag.
Nice Work there mateas far as we're concerned anybodys welcome aboard
Yep, very nice Grubby, strong graphic approach with good solid shape definitionYour website is nice too.
The only criticism I have is you've got those poor helicopter views all crammed together too tightOf course it's probably not a final composition, but if it is, please do give the eye some white space around the different views
(I could tell someone else here about white space, YOU BETCHA
Anyway, great work, you've already got all the necessary skills for doing this stuff![]()
Welcome to SPS, Graeme. I haven't been able to visit your site yet, cuz I'm at work and any URL containing "aircraft" is automatically blocked by the school server. That plus just about half of all existing words. It's possible to go on ****/hacking/terrorist sites but not aviation ones...! It even blocks its own pages...
Anyway, I also think your chopper is nice. In addition you've done it from every possible angle, which is more than I'd ever have the patience to do. lol
Now for my usual question: what size is your original drawing? (I must be annoying people with that but they're too polite to say so.).
Gamary, don't listen too him, he's just mad he didn't ask firstYour constant questions about the size of other peoples things are beginning to get suspicious.![]()
Oh, no one in particular Jester, just making a off-hand general commentWho's he^ on about ?????![]()
Grubby, can you tell we're ONE BIG happy family here?![]()
Thanks for your kind words and warm welcome, Guys.
The 212 is squished up because it is going in a sub-A4 modelling magazine so it is as much about getting it all in and telling the story as it is about making it look pretty.
The work I am starting now will be stand-alone profiles for prints so will be more in line with what most of you are doing.
As far as "How big is it?", Gamary, I do the original linework in Illustrator at 1:10 scale, usually around 1000mm wide. This lets me get right in to the nitty gritty. This particular artwork was rendered at A3 size @300ppi. File size is 130mb closed, around a Gb when open.
Here are some close-ups. My biggest frustration doing this one was running out of resolution. It is just too small.
I am going to try rendering my new profiles at 1:10 scale too. I have a new iMac so it should be able to handle the filesizes.
I,too, end up with hundreds of layers. I find this is important to maintain the flexibility of the illustration. For example, it was an easy thing to create the Gannet trainer from the ASW bird.
Jester, you want something with guns?
Anyway, guys, I am now going to THOROUGHLY explore the site, view the tutes and come back with some serious questions!
I have attached the drawing that I did first, the Huey. This took me about two years(!!!) and involved way too much work. It was also where I did most of my learning and restarted several times. I'm a bit faster now, but this is the level of detail I will be working at. I know a lot more about Photoshop now (but still no where near enough!)
Is no-one else doing choppers?
Here's another question, I am pretty much a forum virgin, how do I get my pics to appear within the text, not just as a link?
Welcome Graeme. From the subject matter I gather you are another Australian. Great profiles. The copters and Gannets are exceptionally nice, both in subject matter and execution.
Don't have a site myself but I do have a gallery of my Australian stuff at Aviation Profile Artist As you will notice my passion is old airliners, or old transport planes really. It's the colour schemes that get me in. The jetliner end of profiles was too crowded while the warbird end had way too many exceptionally talented artists, so I carved my own niche.