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Thread: first skin...

  1. #1

    Tease first skin...

    Hey just thought I'd post my first skin.did this because i thought it might be easier to do a solid color that make it camo. Its not done,I'd like to make the color a little flatter(I think its much to shiny). I dont really know how to do that but i got a couple more tutorials to check out so im sure i'll sort that.

    The only real problems i had is that the prop con e is white on my skin and were i pic my plane but red in the game?? Also I'dlike to make the air intakes and white or black but I havents figured out were exactly they r on the template.

    Anyway hope you like it,all sugestions and critisisms are willingly accepted.Except "liverpool r shite" and such.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: first skin...

    Personally I'd tone the weathering down a bit. With racers and airshow aircraft I allways have the idea they are/have to be polished.

    Note that there are often two spinnersin the file: one for standing still and one for a running engine.
  3. #3

    Re: first skin...

    good point.
  4. #4

    Re: first skin...

    Common ye Blues

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