Good post.
Keep em coming
I like the colorful ones![]()
The Templates:
Index of /steelbeasts/templates
This is the templates that Deja has released. If your vehicle isnt in there do not fear!
find a skin that is one coloured (either green or sand, doesnt matther) and open it in PS, pick "image - mode - Grayscale" and watch it go grey.
then set it on "hard light" or "soft light" depend on how you like it.
after that add layers below it as usual and paint
Finding your way around:
The templates of SBP are often more confused and unlogic then those for IL2 but the way to find around is the same as in IL2.
First thing to do is to download adlabs Panelfinder (great tool)
Simmers Paintshop - Panelfinder
And paste into your template,Save your skin in default folder, and save one skin with adlabs paneldfinder in red folder. then launch SBP.
1. create a small scenario
2. Add 1 blue object (the thing you are skinning fool!) and set status "Blind"
3. Add 1 Red object (SAME vehicle!) and set it as "blind" as well.
4. launch scenario. drive the vehicles close to eachother (comfortable range)
as you put both of them as "blind" they wont see eachother and wont fire! (thats the smart part)
5. Exit scenario.
6. In AAR use 3D world and you can pan around freely seing both the red and blue vehicle wich gives you one vehicle with adlabs panelfinder and one with your skin.
7. simultanusly have Photoshop running with your template and adlabs skinner.
Voila, now you can sitt and track down ewery spot without problem!
A picture of how it looks:
Colouring it up:
This is Dejas work and is a fairly good and quick guide on how to paint your skins:
However note that the swedish colours are incorrect!
just a starter,I will add more as it comes and I hope some other guys can help filling out.
Last edited by Kingtiger; 26th December 2007 at 19:50. Reason: added stuff
Good post.
Keep em coming
I like the colorful ones![]()
Yep I imagine that would spoil the camo!
I know from around the web there are quite a few playing SBP, so I'm glad to see something shared that may be of help to these players. Thanks!
Unfortunly only a few of us skin, Congo, Zipuli,RougeSsnake,Scorpius and me, some other guys drop in and do 1 skin maybe, not much more
but I know of atleast 2 guys who are starting or thinking of starting skinning thats why I started this tread, hopefully motivating them to continue
Thats a nice skin you got there, I dont have this sim so can't do any skining work on it. Just bought (Theatre of War) but I dont think you can do any skins for this.
Thanks for the tips.
Thanks, this is a lot of help for a tank beginner like me.
I'm a newbie at tank sims, just bought Steel Fury and really enjoy, but they wont let you create skins for the machines. I really enjoy doing skins for IL-2 and want to do some for tanks. Is Steel beast still available and are most of the armor vehicles open for skinning? Sorry for the questions, I'm just getting hooked on Tank Sims.
I've been interested in Steel Beasts since moving on from Flight Sim skinning. Some WIP hope to get more involved in the SB Community in my spare time made a few new online friends some fellow Veterans.
Keep up the great work for the sim
David ebz7350