Well, I could write a long story here. But I'll keep it short.
I think we had a great contest and with good and honest voting over all.
So, we decided to run a new Showcase starting soon and this one wil run until the end of may with the final in june. Details will be published soon.
So, it's time to announce the winners.
As you know we picked five finalists for the profiles where an artist was allowed to have one entry.
Finalists were Jesters-Ink, Blowhard, Macwan, Cpt Farrel and Goodwood.
Blowhard got most votes in the final, what makes him the winner of the Spyder2Express!
For the screenshots there were ten final artworks and an artist was here allowed to have two entries.
The following people had one or two entries in the top ten:
Simplex, Graf, Piggymac, Dukayn, BillyBonez, Rigamortiz, e-b-o- and kristorf.
Graf won this final with his artwork Dragon Hunters. He will receive a Wacom Bamboo!
Finally we give away a profile made by Phoenixart among all voters. Rules were that all votes would count, so voting a lot would give you extra chances to win a profile. We picked a random vote and this vote is one done by Gamary He can choose an artwork by Phoenixart.
I will contact all winners this weekend by PM to arrange they will receive their prizes.