Here is Lt. Stanley "Swede" Vejtasa's F4F-4. It is based off of my first profile, with many improvements as suggested by the various comments on my first profile. Somethings I didn't remedy because I wanted to gain a little more confidence before trying. This is my second profile. I use Adobe CS, Wacom Graphire tablet and done on a Mac with OSX. I'm basing this profile a partial photo and another artists rendering(The latter always being a dangerous practice!) I did not weather this one as I had said I would. Will get to weathering some other time.
Thank you,
Edward Grabot
Warpaint Series #9 Grumman F4F Wildcat
Kagero #12 Grumman F4F Wildcat
Monografie Lotnicze #20 F4F Wildcat
Squardon/Signal Publications US Navy Aircraft Camouflage & Markings 1940-1945
Wings Volume 2, Number 1 February 1972
Modelpres Grumman Wildcat Profily letadel ll. svetove valky 9
And a special thanks to Dave Greene for
Janes Publishing Company Limited Hellcat &
Osprey Aircraft of the Aces #3 wildcat Ace Of World War II