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Thread: Starting out!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Starting out!

    Have Flight Sim 2004, PhotoShop PS2, Some screenshot software, Drawing programmes etc. But need some startup info to get going.

    What is the best way to capture screenshots? Is there a way to include more than the aircraft your flying? Video: What techniques are best?

    Some of the many 'things' that I ned to know rather than finding something then to find out it's not the best way!

    Can anyone out there help?

    Thanks - Wanting to get going!
  2. #2

    Re: Starting out!


    as Simmer's is more focussing on stuff FOR the game SSP is dedicated to that WITH the game

    Serval, I hope you don'T mind if I recommend Geoff to visit SSP. As member you can also read through our basic tutorials. They should help you to get a start.

    Other than that, jsut hit "print screen" and you are already part of the party
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