Good one. Gotta agree.
Sundin and Tullis the best at what they do IMO. But then again, we got Jester.
BTW love Tullis' work in Yellow Tails and his AVG book.
Hi gals...
I have been friend with Claes - or better said, I have been spoking with him via email few times few years ago, when cooperating with Christer Bergstroom. We exchanged few knowledges, but that time I was way far from making drawings and profiles and just time forced me to do so...
But I would liek to open a different topic...Except I LOVE Claes Sundins work, I also admire Tom Tullis profiles...HIs Mustangs for Hikoki - yellow tauil mustangs and spitfires book is excellent. Anyone who disagree??
Tullis has come A LONG way, and that's saying something! His earlier works, like the 2 books of profiles for Eagle were very good but not so artistic. Still, they were the best I had seen, until I saw Claes' work. They are both very good, about equal. But I still prefer the artist, almost organic approach that Claes Sundin uses over the more technical.
Well Supah, start a thread about the king do jet profiles? Is there one???
Could somebody draw an X-Wing or the Millenium Falcon just to keep Supah quiet? lol...
(This is as close to it as I could find, except for the Shuttle. I don't think Tullis is drawing any Star Wars/Trek stuff yet).
One of the qualities Tullis and Sundin have in common is a sort of "watercolour" look to their drawings. Maybe they de-saturate their drawings? I don't know! Anybody got ideas cc. that?
i was actually lookiing into the X-wing before i started the F-104and the A-wing, and the AT-AT, tie fighter would be a nice one to do
A Tie fighter profile? Wouldn't it just be a hexagon?![]()