The LowLand Tiger Meet 2008 is coming up (3-6 April 2008) and I have a request. Or better a plead.
Could you guys make a poster for the event?
Stuff that needs to be in there:
- LowLand Tiger Meet 2008
- 03 - 06 April 2008
- Ahaus / Tobit software Germany
- all the sims that run during the event:
- Il-2 FB (Forgotten Battles) Skills competition
- LockOn FC (Flaming Cliffs) European championship
- F4 AF(Allied Force) European championship
- logo's of the sims (optional)
- the tiger head
- what else you find appropriate
- LowLand Tiger Meet
Have a look at the LLTM2005 poster made by Titanus.
Top one is my all time favorite.
Can you beat it?
Think I can even swing in a (sponsored) price for the winner.
This is a first try (A4 at 300 dpi). The only problem is that I thought that was a USAF picture (ie public domain) but it turns out it's a Turkish pilot (from, so I don't know wether it's usable or not. (Maybe, as it's been modified, retouched and recomposed.)
Please PM or contact me if you want a variant of it, mods or anything. As I'm a bit short on time, I won't work on it any more unless you want me to.
Thank you for your great poster. I recieved your mail concerning it, but Iam not able to reply via mail due to some provider not relaying mail.
As to the poster, one question. Why have you mirrored the F-16 image in the background?
There is also one mistake. The Il-2 section will not fly Forgotten Battles but Pacific Fighters. But I see it is wrong in my first post.
But it's an A ok poster.
I'll setup a poll on the LLTM forum coming weekend. Let the voting begin.