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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Fife, Scotland

    A Few sites to Dribble At!

    Last edited by CRIPES_A_MIGHTY; 5th February 2008 at 11:15.
    "Second To None"
  2. #2

    Re: A Few sites to Dribble At!

    Immortal Thread Killer par excellence!
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Fife, Scotland

    Re: A Few sites to Dribble At!

    No probs!

    The 1st site has some particularly cool profiles. The 51's are
    real nice (51 fan). Even a profile of the P-51 in which 1st/Lt.William Preddy's was shot down, "Rusty". Not one I have seen before.( the profile not the aircraft, plus George's CAMr3d!..YUMYUM).
    And a profile of the lesser shown 51 of John Landers earlier "Big Beautiful Doll"
    The only one you usually get to see is the 51 he flew with the 78th FG.
    If my memory serves me right (which it doesn't most of the time).
    George Preddy actually flew (at some point)with Lander's while they were serving in Australia with the 49th FG. George had certainly meet him, and had great repect for Landers.
    Interesting note about Landers (again, if my memory serves me well), is he wasn't actually a P-51 ace. All his scores came in different aircraft, P-38's, P-40's. He just missed out on being a 51 ace with just 4.5 aerial victories in the 51. Ground vics not included.
    Think some will find that fact surprising!
    "Second To None"
  4. #4

    Re: A Few sites to Dribble At!

    Interesting. It only proves what I've always said about most profile art; it's usually done with a technical art approach, no feel for anything organic. Not that it's bad, but technical art seems cold and it's easier to do.

    A few comments:

    PlaneGrafx He's only got the one plane? F4U?

    Janusz Swiatlon Some strong stuff, but a little heavy handed, and perhaps influenced by, or influencing Thierry Dekker.
    (I did enjoy looking at his Zero, always nice to compare )
    Thierry's site

    Bob Pearson's stuff is nice and clean but a bit simple for my tastes. Plus, I have a bone to pick with him about using existing fonts to duplicate the strange and very goofy hand painted letters and numbers on WW1 British aircraft :P
    He's got a very nice website here-
    CBRNP.COM - Profiles

    All 3D stuff, hard to tell how much is painted art and how much is 3D and application lighting.

    What about one-time Targetware guy, Jerry Boucher-
    the VIRTUAL AIRCRAFT WEBSITE - Aviation Art & Prints by Jerry Boucher
    He's really made the big time

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: A Few sites to Dribble At!

    Jerry Boucher, he's got some super stuff there. I see some of his are listed as being boxart for plastic models. That topic reminded me of years ago how much I enjoyed the boxart of Tamiya kits and R/C cars. I loved that stuff.

    I've had too much of this on my brain lately, and it's starting to leave a mark. I'm looking at a 1/12 scale Tamiya motorcycle kit to build starting this spring, and I'm working on a painting in GIMP that was inspired by that kind of boxart. I need to stop with the Google image search already.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Fife, Scotland

    Re: A Few sites to Dribble At!

    Some great links there BLOWHARD. I think I am have one of those already..have so many links in "Favs"..that its tricky to know where anything is.
    Hell..I'm not expert on art..of any variety. But I know what I like..dispite what others may think..Art is's up to you to make your mind up as to what you think of it. " If I like it..I like it".
    Yes I can see diferences in quality regarding detail etc, between 2 pictures of the same subject..but as I can't do any better than either..I can't really complain..even if i
    I want to see pictures of matter there quality...helps get a better perspective on the WHOLE subject.

    Maybe here at the forum these should be a post scrictly for links to these type of art sites. Keep it all in one place to help everyone, and so as not to repeat links. Idea?

    I love anything..Blue Nosed..well all most..LOL
    Last edited by CRIPES_A_MIGHTY; 6th February 2008 at 13:59.
    "Second To None"

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