Very nice, santino! Nice to hear from you: you're not visiting SPS as often nowadays. I'd suggest you tone down the rudder canvas effect a bit: it looks too strong as it is for the moment.
Hi all
other two long nose from me...
Very nice, santino! Nice to hear from you: you're not visiting SPS as often nowadays. I'd suggest you tone down the rudder canvas effect a bit: it looks too strong as it is for the moment.
thank you for your suggestion Gamary![]()
Great subject and nice looking plane!
The RLM 81 looks dark to me, perhaps it could be a bit lighter?
And something you might want to try is making the intensity and darkness of the colors a bit less, it will make them more realistic looking. Especially the red. You might also try toning down your panel lines some.
Will you do more? There are SO many interesting 190Ds!
Sweet work.
I am not sure about the panel lines, I think you should try working at a higher resolution so they blend in better and set the blending mode of the white highlight panel line layer to hardlight so that it blends better with the colourscheme![]()
I'm with that too Supah![]()
thank you all for your comments, in the next profile I will try to apply your suggestion BLOWHARD & Supah,
About pannel line, I have to redraw them in photoshop, because I made that profiles with corel draw and after exported in bitmap... during the conversion
from vector to bitmap lines have become more thick
Of coure BLOWHARD, I will make other long nose
Hi all
I try to apply some suggestion on this new Fw190D-9...
I hope this long nose look better
The tail canvas looks less auspicious now, which is better IMHO.