Another sharkmouth Bf-110 Nightfighter for ya.
Bf-110C-4 "D5+DT" of 9./Nachtjagergeschwader 3, flown during 1942.
Available soon at M4T
Might as well keep all my upcoming Bf-110 skins in one single topic. Easier to find.
First up is a Bf-110C of 7./NJG3 that flew during 1942. The a/c was first used by II/ZG76, thus the sharkmouth. The flags on the port side of the cockpit represent the countries the pilot flew in or against. A very unique Bf-110 without a doubt.
Bf-110C "D5+ER" of 7./Nachtjagdgeschwader 3 during 1942
As always soon to download at M4T
Blanks included.
More to come...
Some questions...
1. Photo reference?
2. What template used? Jesters?
P.S. Shark mouth of III./NJG 3 does not mean that all Bf110's were used in II./ZG 76 before... I have phtoes of Bf110F and G from III./NJG 3 with sharkmouthAlso, emblem was modifiyed in 1944.
Actually, after II./ZG 76 was trasformed into nightfighter role, it just kept its emblem. That is true reason.
Last edited by =KAG=Bersrk; 13th February 2008 at 15:48.
Best wishes, Evgeny.
Zerstorer Research Work Group, "SKG210/ZG1 in action over Ostfront"