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  1. #1

    Shy markings and fonts

    Dear all,

    downloaded a bunch of markings and fonts from this site and been creating my first repaint which seems to work out fine but have some question;

    - how come some fonts are not supported by Photoshop, and is there a work around?
    - are there more sources available where i could downloads markings and fonts?
    - how can one create his/her own markings and/or fonts templates ?

    Thanks in advance !!
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: markings and fonts

    To create a TTF font, you need a font creation program like Fontographer.

    With photoshop you can draw the marking you need. Make it big so you can reuse it a lot.
    This tutorial shows tricks you can use to create letters and numbers:
  3. #3

    Re: markings and fonts

    Quote Originally Posted by Serval View Post
    To create a TTF font, you need a font creation program like Fontographer.

    With photoshop you can draw the marking you need. Make it big so you can reuse it a lot.
    This tutorial shows tricks you can use to create letters and numbers:
    Biggest challenge here might be that if I create a font in a program like Fontographer, this font migt also not be supported by Photoshop....
  4. #4

    Re: markings and fonts

    Say, how many fonts do you have? Photoshop FREAKS out if you've got a LARGE amount of fonts, or at least on Mac OSX it does. Some just won't show up, or they're there but if you select them you don't get them. Just thinking of other possible reasons. I had to get a font management application to solve this problem. WYSIWYG still won't work for me in Photoshop :P

  5. #5

    Re: markings and fonts

    Don't have a real huge number of them, but hey, if such a font management program works, I'd be satisfied..., what program are you using?
  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: markings and fonts

    Quote Originally Posted by VF41 View Post
    Biggest challenge here might be that if I create a font in a program like Fontographer, this font migt also not be supported by Photoshop....
    It should be. Only the bold and itelics etc won't work and give problems. But probably that is because the author of the RAF fonts forgot something I think. There are whole communities designing fonts with such tools, and those fonts work just fine.
    Now, these RAF fonts do work in PS, but when you have the properties mentioned enabled, then you get trouble, otherwise you're fine.

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