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Thread: Lighting etc

  1. #1

    Lighting etc

    I've seen many skins that start dark at the bottom and get progressively lighter as you go up.
    Is there a tutorial or perhaps info on how to do this? My attempts have ended up looking like a striped aircraft so far. Very annoying.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Lighting etc

    Look at Adlabs baremetal tutorial. The way to work is pretty much the same.
    A big brush, gaussian blur (on a brushed or filled area) and transparency of the layer are the most common tricks.
    Also: if you are happy with one shade, paint the next one on a new layer so you can adjust with transparency afterward to have them interact just nicely.
  3. #3

    Re: Lighting etc

    Alrighty thanks.

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