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Thread: FW190 F-8

  1. #1

    FW190 F-8

    HI all,

    This is from our next project we work on with Zamex...

    comments and suggestions welcomed....
  2. #2

    Re: FW190 F-8

    Very nice to start with. What are the colors?
    You do need a little work on your fuselage shapes. The cowling has a flat spot on it's side in the profile but it's very round on the real plane. The highlight on the spine should become progressively sharper but the highlight on the profile indicates that the fuselage shape is as rounded continuously right through the tail surface.
    Do you have a set of drawings that shows the fuselage in cross section? Also, study photos that are looking down the fuselage from front-to-back and back-to-front. It's important to really have a good grasp of the actual contours of the aircraft and then make sure your shading shows these contours.
    Overall though, it's a pleasing profile

  3. #3

    Re: FW190 F-8

    You hit the pint with the lightning/shadowing the shape...I missed it a bit...
    I will try to play with it...
    But need to say that this is hurry up job...Mag needs 5 profiles to be done in a month unfortunately not the same type of a/c so I little bit hurried this up [Ju 88, Hs 129 to come ]...And also ZAMEX is not very pleased by his blueprints that were basic for the one day we may rebuild it completely I hope so...
    Anyway tips and trics, as well as hints and suggestions are welcomed from HONOURED and STRONGLY ACCEPTED and ADMIRED members of this forum ) [some of the produce nice japan a/c ]

    Oh and colors...RLM75 overall with RLM83 touches...and RLM 76 later version undersurface. It is SG 77 machine found crashed at Chrudim, Czech Rep. at the end of war, april 1945. SG 77 and its 9.staffel used in larger scale panzerschracks under FW article. Massacre at it out
    Last edited by pkassak; 19th February 2008 at 08:57. Reason: colors
  4. #4

    Re: FW190 F-8

    Well in that case, HURRY UP
    It really is fine as is, even with the best profiles there is always room for improvement, but it's a nice looking profile and it gets the point across. I'd suggest working all your profiles up to this finish and then if time permits you can tweak them and make them better.
    Interesting colors too

  5. #5

    Re: FW190 F-8

    Hey Peter

    This is looking good mate. Still trying to learn to read that book of yours
  6. #6

    Re: FW190 F-8

    Thanks System...I will try to work on english version for those not proper ly language skilled haha no offense
    Blown...what you do not like on colors??? It should be like that according to sources I have...I am opened for discussion about this...
  7. #7

    Re: FW190 F-8

    Pkassak, I DO like the colors I said "interesting" because it is a non-standard scheme. And I asked because for late war colors there can be all sorts possibilities. You must admit it is an interesting combination.
    I'm sure your color choices are correct, or as correct as can be with a complicated subject like this. The smiley face was to show I enjoyed the colors, as I do now
    Sorry for giving the wrong idea

  8. #8

    Re: FW190 F-8

    Ah, now I see I hope that colors are right...)
    OK, then I agree...what is more interesting is the rustsatze under wings
  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: FW190 F-8

    Hi Peter and Zamex. I haven't commented on your profile yet because I've been very busy and I don't know much about Luftwaffe a/c: I thought RLM 75 was an interstate road...

    One thing I'd suggest is that you reinforce the line that separates the canopy from the fuselage, to show it's more than just a panel line. Just a tiny bit of reinforcement will do the trick.

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