Very nice mate. Damn fine work!![]()
I've been working on and off on making a Mk.I version of my Hurricane template. Now it is finally ready and uploaded, just awaiting approvement. It's basically the same as the old Mk.IIc template, changed to MG-armed wings and to take into account the subtle differences in mapping between the two models.
The template comes with RAF A and B schemes, Finnish scheme and markings for Battle of France and Britain and Finnish markings.
I owe a big thank to Sparty for his scale plans and _79_Manilow for his reference photos. I would also like to thank Capt. Farrell for his wonderfully clear and concise skins that served as a starting point for this template and FBS for his wonderful internals.
_79_Manilow made these teaser screenies for me:
New MG-armed wing plating
RAF Battle of France marking
Finnish overpaint layer and von Rosen cross markings
Hope you like it gents!
Last edited by Friendly_flyer; 27th February 2008 at 18:26.
Thank you Gents! I hope for some more Mk.I's at FL!
Bautyful work. Very impressive.
Being an absolute beginner here, can u tell me were to get some advice on how to install the skins into my IL2 1946? I d be grateful for any advice on the subject
In the main director of IL2 theres a folder called 'Paintschemes' in there theres a 'Skins' folder thats where all the aircraft skins are located, textures themselves i believe have to be 24bit (I Think) i use extended 256 in DXTBMP for converting them for use. its a simple enough workthrough. FF i'd been waiting for a decent template for skins for the hurri for quites some time, just made my week pal![]()
Thanks mate!
Pistornfreak, the finsihed skins are index colour 8 bit BMP's (1024x1024 or 512x512 pxls). If you use a template, you need to convert the file. Save as a BMP (a copy, or you'll loose the template!), set it to index colour and make sure it's 8 bit.
Really REALLY nice work Friendly!![]()