sorry gents, did not load image correctly first time,
thought I'd add something esoteric - a C-47A which went MIA in 1943 in New Guinea, and has just been identified. I'm trying to get JPAC to the site (near Kokoda) to recover the remains.
Michael Claringbould
sorry gents, did not load image correctly first time,
I didn't make the connection when I saw your first post with the A-20's, but I am guessing I would be right in assuming that you are the same Michael Clarinbould, that is a contributing editor with Flightpath here in OZ?
So heres a belated welcome from me![]()
Yo, that's me,
I do believe you are right. I've tried it again and it does look better,
gents, forget to mention I have also opened the door on the bird. here's a challenge - how to make the inside look half reasonable instead of the dull blob i have there at present !
Hi Michael, Nice work!
The insides obey all the same rules as the outsides, they have shape, shading, colour etc. so, whatever is there on the far side of the fuselage, show on your illustration. Make it very dark so you viewer knows they are looking right inside the fuselage.
I whipped up a quick sample showing shading and some ribs. It may give you some idea. Even then, my inside wall looks very flat, it needs more shading to give it some roundness.
I hope this helps!
I hereby appoint Grubby as the site's official 'ideas man'. GREAT interior thanks to Grubby ! since this ship was bringing back 50 cals for servicing when it crashed, I've placed several in the back ready for loading, along with the standard data case which the crewchiefs used for paperwork (these were still in use until end of Vietnam conflict, by which time they had been allocated an 'AN' serial).
Excellent! Do you know how the other side looks? I'd like to skin this one for IL2.