I can't say it will never happen, but it is not that likely.
If I ever do make it there m8, i will look you up be sure
I've got a lot of work on atm and I am getting further and further behind what with one thing and another.
I'd like to have the chance to update it to as close to R-Targets standards, but don't have the time right now. You are welcome to the old one to get you by for now if you like?
All my templates will be available here at Simmers thanks to Serval, I just need the time to go through them and update them.
There should be plenty knocking around to grab off of other people, but if you want one quick, then add me to msn under kelcey.f@ntlworld.com and I will do my best to send it over.
I will also convert them to PSP friendly format.
My internet is running really slow atm but should be fixed by Monday.