Your Breguet 14 look very nice my friend![]()
I'm very curious to see your aircaft in section![]()
Still a WIP, but wanted to show it. It's an order from a museum about the 33e R?giment A?rien which will be opening in September in Mayence.
To those unfamiliar with the venerable Br 14, just know it has a million rigging cables, 5 miles of canvas lacing, 450 000 engine cooling vents, and about 300 variants (each with small visual differences). In other words, a profiler's nightmare (at least in my case, because I have to do this one quickly).
On a sidenote, I decided to make this aircraft in sections (as suggested by John Smith from AWF): fuselage, wings, etc. can be individually displayed or not. It's clearly complicating my life, but will give more flexibility if I want to modify stuff.
Your Breguet 14 look very nice my friend![]()
I'm very curious to see your aircaft in section![]()
Thanks, santino!
I've advanced a bit this morning:
What's left to do is some weathering to the fuselage and some improvement to the engine cowling's reflections. Once that is done I'll draw the birds in question. There would be room for improvement on lots of points (wings, adding a prop, etc.) but I want to get done with this one.
NICE! Can't wait to see it in full markings![]()
Here goes: This aircraft was damaged in a forced landing on 27 May 1926. It belonged to Sal 6, and was flown by Commandant Zarapoff. Serial number is incorrect.
I'm not really sure about the shade of green to use. This seemed OK but I'm open to suggestions.
How about one of the yellow planes or 4 color camouflage?
(I'm sure those are on your list)
Couldn't resist posting some great kit box art!
Actually, these were not on my list: only post-war ones. The museum will be about franco-german military cooperation. Ironically, they begin with the 33e Escadre A?rienne's surveillance job when it was stationed in Germany, making sure the Versaille treaty was being complied to.
But, now that I've done the bird, I might as well do a few WW1 ones. Like a yellow one and a 4-colour one...![]()
Glad you like it. BTW, the bird on your box art is a B2, which had sorts of windows on the fuselage sides. Does anybody know why? (Maybe so the gunner's knees could get a view of the scenery too?)
hi GM,
could you post an image of your top wing/alieron join please, real size.
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Great Work GM!!!
I agree with BLOWHARD do more...
OK, OK! Here is a new one:
Farman-built Br?guet 14 A2 of Br.35. This aircraft played an important role in the German surrender as it transported the German plenipotentiary, Staff Captain von Geyer, to Spa on November 11, 1918, with the final terms of the Armistice.
Is that a nice enough 5-colour scheme?
@John: is this what you want?
Cropping this for you, I realized it was aliased so I'll have to modify the original file.