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Thread: Sick & More!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Melbourne, Australia

    Sick & More!

    Just so you don't think I have abandoned my sensibilities, I am working on a Bristol Sycamore too ...

    This is the basic linework. I need now to rivet it up and add a bit more detail.

    I am currently refurbishing the interior of this actual aircraft down the local air museum. My garage is full of bits of wood, perished vinyl and horsehair and felt stuffing! I've never tried my hand at Upholstery before. It's quite fun. Just as well the chopper will never fly again as several coats of house paint, 4 million staples and a few litres of wood glue are adding quite a bit to its mass.

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  2. #2

    Re: Sick & More!

    Nice work mate!
    To bad she will never fly! I would love to be in a project like that.

    Keep up the good work,

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